Our learning app helps bridge the critical language gap of non-English speaking workers

Unlike Duolingo, Rosetta Stone, or typical ESL courses, WorkEng provides express programs tailored for specific occupations and industries, such as construction, hospitality, food service, and retail.

Improved Communication

Learn the phrases and vocabulary relevant to your job.

Better Performance

Increase your promotion opportunities and capacity to excel in your workplace.

Increased Safety

Overcome language barriers and prevent workplace risks.

Why We Do It

– Non-native speakers are a major segment of workers active in the U.S. and worldwide economies.
The language gap is a health and safety threat with thousands of deaths each year, as well as an economic barrier for workers in multiple industries in the U.S.
– WorkEng addresses the problem for:
* the best interest of workers.
* the benefit of companies.
* the good of the nation.

Jennifer Apperti


Experienced Polyglot, Former Diplomat, & Social-Impact Entrepreneur

Grace McClure Topete

Learning Systems Designer

Specialist in Learning Cognition & Architectures

Alex Garcia Topete

Co-Founder & CEO

Experienced Polyglot, Social-Impact Entrepreneur, Media Producer & Researcher

Learn More

What WorkEng Can Do

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